Waypoints not locking onto Motion Paths

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Waypoints not locking onto Motion Paths

Post by CyberGolem » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:23 pm

I'm currently testing out the Spline Speed-Controller and following along a tutorial posted on the site in spite of using Maya (instead of Max like what's in the video). Max uses 'attach' so I supplemented this with Maya's 'Attach to Motion Path' instead. Is this right? In any case the carriage follows along the path but the waypoints do not so I'm not getting any use from them.

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Re: Waypoints not locking onto Motion Paths

Post by CyberGolem » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:59 pm

Okay test #2++, but before I say anything else, please understand I'm on the trial version so if anyone can help me out I'd love to hear back from you as soon as you can spare the time... Gratzi!
As for what's happening now. I tried attaching just the CarriageNodeTransform to the motion path but that moved the item halfway across the scene and it doesn't respond to the animation track being turned on. Wiping everything out I went back in and created everything from scratch and attached the RefererenceFrameTransform to the path and it plays fine from the timeline, but after creating waypoints, everything animates together (like a usually parented group does) so the waypoints travel with the entire ReferenceFrameTransform and no behavior of the waypoints are seen. If I hit the record button in Craft Director Tools window it does the same thing (everything including the waypoints move along with the entire reference transform).
TY and cheers to any insomiacs in Europe who may be able to help (it must be late there right now) :)

Carl Buhre
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Re: Waypoints not locking onto Motion Paths

Post by Carl Buhre » Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:52 am

Hello CyberGolem and welcome to the forum.

You're on the right track and I can see the logic you've followed. But instead of using Maya's "Attach to Motion Path" you should just parent the carriage to the spline (keyboard shortcut: 'p').

I recommend reading the "Using Craft Spline Speed-Controller" section of Craft Spline Speed-Controller's help documentation found here: http://www.craftanimations.com/index.cf ... F2C3#using

Good luck and please let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions for future enhancements/missing features.

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