passive cog wont turn

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passive cog wont turn

Post by fearbane » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:48 pm


im trying out the trial atm following the tank how to but i'm stuck at the cogwheel part not mather what i try the pasive cogwheel wont inhirit the rotation of the active one

red one linked to a rotating crawler ext wheel and pasive one doesnt turn not if linked to the wheel thats suposed to turn with it and not without any linkin
anyone has any ideas on how to solve this?

Carl Buhre
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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by Carl Buhre » Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:52 pm

fearbane wrote:hi,

im trying out the trial atm following the tank how to but i'm stuck at the cogwheel part not mather what i try the pasive cogwheel wont inhirit the rotation of the active one

red one linked to a rotating crawler ext wheel and pasive one doesnt turn not if linked to the wheel thats suposed to turn with it and not without any linkin
anyone has any ideas on how to solve this?
Hello Fearbane,

Are you using 3ds Max, CINEMA4D or Maya? A common misinterpretation in Maya is to use constraints instead of Parent (hotkey: P) when we say "Link/Parent...". Make sure the red wheel is a direct child of the object that it's supposed to inherit its motion from.
Once everything is set up, press Record (or Resimulate, both will work in this case) to see the results.

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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by fearbane » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:00 pm

yep its max 9 the active cog turns with the linked wheel yet the pasive one doesnt do a thing treid redoing it a couple times also if i just put the cog in don't scale move or link anything and then rotate the red one while recording the green one starts to rotate some time after the red one started rotating and spins very fast for a moment and then makes even speed with the red one

Carl Buhre
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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by Carl Buhre » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:02 pm

fearbane wrote:yep its max 9 the active cog turns with the linked wheel yet the pasive one doesnt do a thing treid redoing it a couple times also if i just put the cog in don't scale move or link anything and then rotate the red one while recording the green one starts to rotate some time after the red one started rotating and spins very fast for a moment and then makes even speed with the red one
Do you think you could send us the scene so we can take a look at it? It would be easier to track down the error then. Please mail it to:

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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by fearbane » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:16 pm

done and i must say incredible fast support even for trial A+ :D

Carl Buhre
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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:22 am

fearbane wrote:done and i must say incredible fast support even for trial A+ :D
Thank you, I looked at the scene at you've done all the rigging correct so I had to consult with the developers why on earth this wasn't working and it turns out we've made a recent change to CogWheels so that it only reads rotations from the absolute child in its branch*.
*See correction post below

Anyway, the workaround to get your rig working is to just re-link the activecog (reg wheel) to the Crawler’s dummy wheel instead of the high poly wheel.

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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by fearbane » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:28 pm

thx worked like a charm
why didn't i try that lol

Carl Buhre
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Re: passive cog wont turn

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:11 pm

A little correction to my previous post: CogWheels doesn't read its rotations from the absolute end of a branch, it reads it from its parent like before but since it's using local coordinates now, it has to compare it to its grandparent's (or World if no grandparent exists) and therefore it will not work if the grandparent is moving exactly like the grandchild, which it was in your case.

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