Some wishes about CA plugins

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Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Cheshirsky » Sun May 18, 2008 6:48 pm

Hi, Carl!))
Though I am not the end-user of your products (while), but I nevertheless have small experience of use of the expanded demo-license. Therefore I want to tell a pair of words.
It would be desirable, that additional ExtraWheels were included in Crawlers Suspension physical model. Or that at Crawlers settings it was possible to specify number of wheels - 4, 6, 8 etc. And that the Crawler could jump. Then it can correctly move through "sharp" obstacles, such as springboards, walls of entrenchments and borders (for example as here ... re=related). Now with the plugin's help it is impossible to make such this one.
And one more.
As now the Helicopter and the Airplane in any way physically do not collide with model of the ground. But animation of landing and rise of flying vehicles is the most frequently claimed. Therefore it would be desirable, that in the future such opportunity all would be added to opportunities of a package. :roll:

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Mon May 19, 2008 12:14 pm

Hi Cheshirsky,
There are tons of stuff being developed as we speak that will satisfy your wet animation dreams *-)
And of course your wish has been duly noted!

ps. you could make a non physical workaround by using Craft ExtraWheel instead of the crawler wheels. It would still not jump, but it would lift the wheels in the air when driving over an edge.

Also, there we have updated the CrawlerTracks and they will also work on 64-bit stations. I think it will be ready for release this week.
( ... d_XVid.avi)

// Luigi TA

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Cheshirsky » Mon May 19, 2008 8:16 pm

*-ссе! Holy shhh... :shock: Your package is so unique but when You realize all our dreams it will be absolute the best! :D
Luigi - you'r demo-video is realy Cool!
I see, the track began more steadier? When I experimented (approximately in February), on version 1.8. 4 I didn't manage to competely remove a trembler of a caterpillar's elements. But on your animation tracks behave practically as present. Respect! 8-)
Excuse for my English

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Henrik Hansson » Tue May 20, 2008 10:36 am

Hello Cheshirsky!

The updated version of CrawlerTracks that Luigi mentioned, is much more stable and you will have more control over stiffness, damping etc. than you had before. So keep your eyes open for this new version and keep making cool animations.

/Henrik Hansson

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Cheshirsky » Wed May 21, 2008 12:04 am

Thank, Henrik!
So at me already mouth waters.. :mrgreen:

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Henrik Hansson » Wed May 21, 2008 10:31 am

Good! That's nice to hear! :D

/Henrik Hansson

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Patrik Martin » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:15 am

The new Craft CrawlerTracks version is out. Just download the bundle from our site and check the CrawlerTracks plugin in the installation. For this version of CrawlerTracks you do not need PhysX.

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Cheshirsky » Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:18 am

And one more wish:)
It would be desirable, that it was possible to animate a "ground" (that is to move and rotate it). In that case there is an opportunity to animate ramps, autolifts and leaf bridges and movement of the vehicle on them.

Carl Buhre
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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Carl Buhre » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:06 am

Cheshirsky wrote:And one more wish:)
It would be desirable, that it was possible to animate a "ground" (that is to move and rotate it). In that case there is an opportunity to animate ramps, autolifts and leaf bridges and movement of the vehicle on them.
You can use dynamic meshes with most of our tools but unfortunately not Craft CrawlerTracks because it uses its own physics engine. The way it works now is that Craft CrawlerTracks builds up the physical world that it's going to interact with at the beginning of recording and that world cannot be changed during recording. We might be able to change this in the future but for now you're going to have to animate lifts etc. manually. This can easily be done though by key-framing the relocator mesh (dummy) manually during the lift sequence and then continue to record after the lift sequence.

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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Cheshirsky » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:43 pm

Carl, thanks for the operative and detailed mini-tutor. But nevertheless at hands animation the chassis will not participate in calculation of collision physics. For example - small earthquake in which gets the moving car. Or the car moving on a deck of the large ship which has got in storm. It is difficult enough to make it manually as in a reality...
Dreems - dreems...)))

Carl Buhre
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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:50 am

Cheshirsky wrote:Carl, thanks for the operative and detailed mini-tutor. But nevertheless at hands animation the chassis will not participate in calculation of collision physics. For example - small earthquake in which gets the moving car. Or the car moving on a deck of the large ship which has got in storm. It is difficult enough to make it manually as in a reality...
Dreems - dreems...)))
For that you will need a full-physics solution, I don't want to say too much but the future might hold fantastic possibilities, hehe.

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Luigi Tramontana
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Re: Some wishes about CA plugins

Post by Luigi Tramontana » Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:20 pm

Here is a short film demonstrating an abrams using extrawheels with "Suspension Length" set to 0.2: ... ls_100.avi
(Right click and save as)

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