Tank Before Simulation :

Tank After Sim:

Rig before Sim

Rig after Sim

Tank & Rig Before Sim

Tank & Rig After Sim

soo , any help please ? I use 3DS MAX 9 SP2 on Vista
And weird thing while recording , some times the turret laggs or hmm how I can describe it .. its like being collided with some thing , and same thing happenes with the cannon too when moving it around or shooting , whats wrong ?
I have some requests please, Can any body draw the Tree and Sub-tree of different objects and dummy Objects of the Abram Tutorial ? becoz its confusing some times ! And on the start of the tutorial, there was a script, can some one post the script lines and tell me how to enter this scrpt into 3Ds MAX 9 plz ? what is the use of it anyway ?