Tank size being changed after starting simulation!

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Tank size being changed after starting simulation!

Post by itsrad » Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:55 am

Hello .. I hope u can help me please becoz Im getting tired of figuring it out .. I have a tank I modeled my self and I followed the tutorial almost step by step (I did some mistake with the passive cog wheels but doesnt matter ) once I start simulating the tank suddenly shrinks vertically and looks really silly .. I dont know whats wrong with it .. here is some pics:

Tank Before Simulation :


Tank After Sim:


Rig before Sim


Rig after Sim


Tank & Rig Before Sim


Tank & Rig After Sim


soo , any help please ? I use 3DS MAX 9 SP2 on Vista

And weird thing while recording , some times the turret laggs or hmm how I can describe it .. its like being collided with some thing , and same thing happenes with the cannon too when moving it around or shooting , whats wrong ?


I have some requests please, Can any body draw the Tree and Sub-tree of different objects and dummy Objects of the Abram Tutorial ? becoz its confusing some times ! And on the start of the tutorial, there was a script, can some one post the script lines and tell me how to enter this scrpt into 3Ds MAX 9 plz ? what is the use of it anyway ?

Carl Buhre
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Re: Tank size being changed after starting simulation!

Post by Carl Buhre » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:30 am

Hello itsrad,

I would guess that you have scaled the dummy body mesh non-uniformly. You should always scale the dummy part uniformly (along all axis, X Y Z). Easiest way to fix your scene would be to unlink the high poly model from the dummies, forward to the frame at which the dummies have changed scale (probably frame #1 or #2) and then link the high poly model to the dummy on that frame. If you go to the first frame (#0) it will look scaled incorrectly but once you record it or play the animation it will look normal.

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Re: Tank size being changed after starting simulation!

Post by itsrad » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:36 am

Carl Buhre wrote:Hello itsrad,

I would guess that you have scaled the dummy body mesh non-uniformly. You should always scale the dummy part uniformly (along all axis, X Y Z). Easiest way to fix your scene would be to unlink the high poly model from the dummies, forward to the frame at which the dummies have changed scale (probably frame #1 or #2) and then link the high poly model to the dummy on that frame. If you go to the first frame (#0) it will look scaled incorrectly but once you record it or play the animation it will look normal.

Alright that great , problem partially solved for the tank .. can I get help here or maybe I have to make another post ?

Carl Buhre
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Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Re: Tank size being changed after starting simulation!

Post by Carl Buhre » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:20 pm

itsrad wrote:
Carl Buhre wrote:Hello itsrad,

I would guess that you have scaled the dummy body mesh non-uniformly. You should always scale the dummy part uniformly (along all axis, X Y Z). Easiest way to fix your scene would be to unlink the high poly model from the dummies, forward to the frame at which the dummies have changed scale (probably frame #1 or #2) and then link the high poly model to the dummy on that frame. If you go to the first frame (#0) it will look scaled incorrectly but once you record it or play the animation it will look normal.

Alright that great , problem partially solved for the tank .. can I get help here or maybe I have to make another post ?
Sorry, forgot about the last part of your post. The reason for your turrets lagging could be that you're trying to record everything at once. Try unchecking the turret in the plug-in tree list and record the tank first (or resimulate it if you already have the animation) and then uncheck the tank and check the turret a resimulate the turret. This way you should be guaranteed no lag.

As for the scripts, you don't need those if you're using 3ds Max. One script is for Aligning objects which is built-in in 3ds Max. The other script is for incremental saves, which is also built-in in 3ds Max.

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