pre-rigged model ABRAMS

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pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by dhis53h » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:29 pm

hi, there!
i'm testing 'PRM ABRAMS' in maya8.5, 2000 and use CDT 8.1.8. it's very very useful model.(thx CA)
but i have some problems. open the .prm file and create track(in Left/Right Crawler Tracks tool configure).
i start RECORD. then, it's very very slow performence(approx. 1frame per 2~3sec). but i tested in MAX 9. it's ok.

other problem is track. here my problem.
start RECORD and move the low poly model. after few frames, track is broken(looks like image).

thank you. and sorry for my english. :-)

Carl Buhre
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Re: pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by Carl Buhre » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:43 pm

dhis53h wrote:hi, there!
i'm testing 'PRM ABRAMS' in maya8.5, 2000 and use CDT 8.1.8. it's very very useful model.(thx CA)
but i have some problems. open the .prm file and create track(in Left/Right Crawler Tracks tool configure).
i start RECORD. then, it's very very slow performence(approx. 1frame per 2~3sec). but i tested in MAX 9. it's ok.

other problem is track. here my problem.
start RECORD and move the low poly model. after few frames, track is broken(looks like image).

thank you. and sorry for my english. :-)
Hello dhis53h, with the way that Maya updates the viewport we are unable to get the same performance as in 3ds MAX. In 3ds MAX you might be able to record Craft CrawlerTracks in real-time if you have a very powerful machine but it is still something we don't recommend. Instead, uncheck Craft CrawlerTracks and record everything else first (the movement) then uncheck everything BUT Craft CrawlerTracks and press Resimulate to create the animation for the tracks (remember to move the time slider back to the beginning of the animation before pressing Resimulate).

Regarding the tracks that was your second problem, it could very well be related to that you're trying to record them in real-time. Try what I suggested first and see if it helps. I will take a look at the Abrams pre-rigged model and see if I find anything else.

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Henrik Hansson
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Re: pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by Henrik Hansson » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:19 pm

dhis53h wrote:hi, there!
i'm testing 'PRM ABRAMS' in maya8.5, 2000 and use CDT 8.1.8. it's very very useful model.(thx CA)
but i have some problems. open the .prm file and create track(in Left/Right Crawler Tracks tool configure).
i start RECORD. then, it's very very slow performence(approx. 1frame per 2~3sec). but i tested in MAX 9. it's ok.

other problem is track. here my problem.
start RECORD and move the low poly model. after few frames, track is broken(looks like image).

thank you. and sorry for my english. :-)
Hello dhis53h!
Does the track break in both Max and Maya? Could you please enter the configuration settings for Craft CrawlerTracks and take a screenshot of the settings?

/Henrik Hansson

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Re: pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by dhis53h » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:46 am

thanks for your reply.

i tried it that you recommend. i tested in MAX 9, but it still is not work. i used default configure.
i made video for to solve my problem.

thank you for your time. :-)

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Henrik Hansson
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Re: pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by Henrik Hansson » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:49 am

dhis53h wrote:hello,
thanks for your reply.

i tried it that you recommend. i tested in MAX 9, but it still is not work. i used default configure.
i made video for to solve my problem.

thank you for your time. :-)
Hello again!

It looks like you have an old version of the prm file and since we have done some updates to the Craft CrawlerTracks, the default values from the old .prm are a bit wrong. The reason that the Track is completely still is that the Accuracy-parameter is set to 0. Here are the default values as they should be:

Gravity = 40
Bending Stiffness = 0.01
Bending Damping = 2
Displacement Stiffness = 1
Displacement Damping = 1.5
Twist Stiffness = 0.5
Twist Damping = 1
Friction = 10

Accuracy = 6
Flaccidity Reduction = 1
SubFrames = 10

Number of Steps = 83
Gap = 0.0

Try these settings and see if it solves your problem.

/Henrik Hansson

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Re: pre-rigged model ABRAMS

Post by dhis53h » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:38 pm

oh my god. IT'S WORKS!!!!! THANK YOU!

i think CDT is very very useful program.
i hope, CDT will have good performence in maya.(sorry for my english ;-( )

have a nice day!

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