Strange turning extra wheels

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Posts: 105
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:09 pm

Strange turning extra wheels

Post by dv2000 » Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:47 am

We have a car with 12 wheels. 8 of them are extra wheels. They sometimes turn very fast if I slightly turn my steering wheel. IS it a bug? I am using the latest version
Link to the video through we transfer ... 606/4b0593


Posts: 105
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:09 pm

Re: Strange turning extra wheels

Post by dv2000 » Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:03 am

And the second question how do I set how much my wheels turn?

Patrik Martin
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Re: Strange turning extra wheels

Post by Patrik Martin » Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:28 am

dv2000 wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:47 am
We have a car with 12 wheels. 8 of them are extra wheels. They sometimes turn very fast if I slightly turn my steering wheel. IS it a bug? I am using the latest version
Link to the video through we transfer ... 606/4b0593

The extra wheels turn in the exact direction of the movement made by it's parent and does not have any smoothness that can be added. In this case the chassis is moving sideways and thus the ExtraWheels are turned 90 degrees.

My suggestion is that you instead use CogWheels to transfer the desired amount of turn to the other wheels.
  • Align the ActiveCog to the WheelCenterMesh of the wheel you desire to get the turn from.
  • Scale the PassiveCog to the amount of desired turn (If PassiveCog = 2x the size of ActiveCog = 50% turnangle. For example if the ActiveCog turns 45 degrees the PassiveCog will turn 22.5 degrees.)
  • Align the PassiveCog to the turn center of the wheel that are to receive the turnangle from the WheelCenterMesh and make it a child of the Chassis
  • Make the ExtraWheel a child of the PassiveCog and configure the ExtraWheel to have "Fixate Wheel" to true.
  • Done
If you don't know what turn radius (ackerman steering) you need for the your wheels I suggest that you drive the current rig slowly in a circle to measure the degrees of each wheel and use this as a base for the amount of degrees you need.

For example:

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