Landing an aircraft

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Landing an aircraft

Post by paulselhi » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:48 pm

1. Is it possible to land an aircraft on the ground using CD so that it reacts to ground deformations

2. I want to try a crash landing so the plane has only one wheel thus it topples over on landing, can cdt simulate this ?

I would be using cinema 4d or if i have to.. max

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Micael Belin
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Re: Landing an aircraft

Post by Micael Belin » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:13 pm


Unfortunately, the airplane is not able to interact with the ground, and therefore cannot land. My suggestion is that you use CDS to animate the approach, and have the landing being made by normal keyframing. This is something we may develop support for in the future.

However, crashing is not something we probably will never support. Crashes are always very specific, and the animator usually wants the crash to appear in a very specific way, making is not very suitable for procedurally generated solutions.

You may try out using a physics engine to build the event, but i think you may have a hard time making it look good.

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