I'm a newbie and I'm trying to understand exactly how to do that.

Here's what i tried to do:
1)Open 4-wheeler extended's input settings
For "External Force Response Factor"I choose Advanced>Device>Firepower_01
For "External Force Response Factor"I choose Advanced>Control>fire Trigger
For "External Force Maximum"I choose Advanced>Device>Firepower_01
For "External Force Maximum"I choose Advanced>Control>fire Trigger
2)On Firepower's Input Settings:
I assigned Fire to "f" on the keyboard
3)In the viewport, I turned Firepower_01_gun to face upward
4)Parent linked 4WheelerExt_01_ExternalForceMesh to Firepower_01_barrel
When I record the animation, 4Wheeler Force Mesh moves correctly up and down like a piston. BUT, it doesn't seem to have any effect on the Truck. I've loaded the "Very Bad Suspension" preset for the truck, so I feel that it should definitely be reflected in the animation.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?