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Improvements for craft anim

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:25 pm
by dv2000
I have two suggestions:
1. Please improve jump mode. Even tweaking suspension and max wheel ext still doesn't cut it. Car fly forward too much especially small cars. Just add a setting how fast cars fall to the ground once they are airborne (please see madcar 3 and their jump mode).

2. Please create DRIVE MODE. Basically in heavy scenes we cannot just drive a car. Everything is too slow. With drive mode on everything gets isolated except craft dummy car/cars and certain objects (terrain, obstacles, other cars that I manually add as DRIVE MODE objects) That way we can quickly simulate, turn off a drive mode and back to a regular scene. Currently we manually have to hide, unhide to simulate quicker. Too much wasted time.

Re: Improvements for craft anim

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:35 am
by Carl Buhre
dv2000 wrote:
Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:25 pm
I have two suggestions:
1. Please improve jump mode. Even tweaking suspension and max wheel ext still doesn't cut it. Car fly forward too much especially small cars. Just add a setting how fast cars fall to the ground once they are airborne (please see madcar 3 and their jump mode).

2. Please create DRIVE MODE. Basically in heavy scenes we cannot just drive a car. Everything is too slow. With drive mode on everything gets isolated except craft dummy car/cars and certain objects (terrain, obstacles, other cars that I manually add as DRIVE MODE objects) That way we can quickly simulate, turn off a drive mode and back to a regular scene. Currently we manually have to hide, unhide to simulate quicker. Too much wasted time.
Great suggestions dv2000, thank you for your feedback!

A question about "drive mode" though: Are you requesting Drive mode to automatically hide everything in the scene except for the tool objects themselves and the models connected to them?
Or, did you want a separate window to open and only render the tools and the objects connected to them, in real-time?

The second option is much harder to create since our application isn't creating a 3d viewpoint of its own; its relying of the host application (3d Studio, Maya et.c.) for the 3d stuff.