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Having camera follow a path constraint issue

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:10 am
by chucky666
I am using 3dsMax, I cannot figure out or if at all possible to get an observercam constrained to a path. What I am trying to achieve is setting the forward/back control to move along the path and turn right and left as the path turns (as the 3dsMax path constraint works), THEN also have the tilt up/down control and the turn right/left control basically look around as the camera is following the path. Basically I want to walk down a hall and have the camera pointed at the wall to view it with the camera always pointing down the path, like walking down the hall with your head turned right but still walking straight. I almost achieved this by linking 2 observer cams without a path constraint but as soon as you turn a corner the controls get reversed, you have to remember what direction the walking camera is pointed as opposed to the viewing camera, very difficult to master.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.