Resimulate with different ground?

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Resimulate with different ground?

Post by trevorroth » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:42 pm

This question could be asked several ways, but here's a scenario I run into sometimes. I've animated the vehicle driving on rough terrain using a keyboard/joystick, etc., and the client has signed off on the timing and general positioning... BUT, they'd like to see it with the ground a little "less rough".

Is there a way to swap out my ground surface and re-simulate without having to "re-drive" the vehicle, but instead relying on the input values already recorded (up arrow for 10 seconds, left arrow for 2.5, brake here, skid there, etc.)? I understand that the resulting animation (distances traveled, turn radius, etc.) could be different, but the general question still exists.

I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

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