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Cinema 4D R14 Support

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:33 pm
by naftilos
Come on guys.....

Cinema 4D is getting larger and better and you, still don't support the newest R14 version. We are on stone age by having to work with the latest R11.5 that your tools support. I know that there is a lot of programming for each 3D package, but you should update it.

Thanks in advance

Re: Cinema 4D R14 Support

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:50 am
by Micael Belin
Hi Vangelis,

I am very sorry for this, but we simply can't motivate implementing it. This is very unfortunate as we have a very good relationship with MAXON and i personaly enjoyed working with them. However we cannot motivate it due to the lack of CINEMA 4D customers and implementing support for CDS takes a lot of resources. I hope this will change in the future but as of the moment we have no plans extending CDS to the new versions of CINEMA 4D.