motorcycle simulations

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motorcycle simulations

Post by fferro » Mon May 10, 2010 8:24 pm


1- I'm trying to make the plugin (Craft 2-Wheeler Extended) more stable at the first frames of the simulation (Autonomous mode). Which is the ideal distance (at frame 0) between the motorcycle (BodyMesh) and the target (TargetMesh) following a path? It is appropriate to align both in position and orientation?
2- I guess it's better than the target begins its motion with a low acceleration. But, why the motorcycle starts with a very high speed, even when the target is very close to it? This happens with the default 'Ignore Sphere Radius' of 0.2 or any other value.
3- Looking for a better initial condition, I'm doing a small simulation with the factory profile (Current profile: 'Factory Settings' instead of 'Autonomous Mode') and no speed. But I found that after the first frame, the motorcycle goes in a different direction to the desired. Perhaps for this reason the motorcycle moves erratically during the first frames in 'Autonomous Mode'...
4- Is the simulation more accurate when the ground plane (GravityDirectionMesh's parent) is smaller and there is only one vehicle in recording?
Uhm... Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

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Re: motorcycle simulations

Post by fonhorn » Tue May 18, 2010 8:28 am

I've been using CDS plugins for over 2 years. I haven't found a solution to the initial jittering that takes place. It's a minor irritation, but an irritation, none the less. I would rather that my clients didn't see it; but, sometimes they do. The best solution that I've come up with is to start the CDS plugins on pre-zero frames. If I need the vehicle to start at frame "0", I'll start the animation at frame #-3, or what ever is suitable. If the vehicle is going to start moving in the middle of the animation, I'll split the animation and combine the two parts later. Or, I'll use an invisible track to hide the vehicle until after the jittering stops.

The CDS parameters can be a bit touchy. I always find a nice sounding preset and go from there. Your motor cycle took off in the wrong direction because the "factory" setting wasn't a good place to start. Their "Factory" settings are not synonymous with "safe" settings. You would like to think that the "factory" settings would work with whichever plugin you're working with at the time - something that would allow the vehicle to follow the target mesh and stay on the path - nothing fancy or interesting - just, something that makes sense.

There is almost certainly a preset in the configuration utility that will give you a good starting place. It takes a little practice and experimentation; but, it's well worth the effort. I don't know how much support they offer users who don't have a subscription/up2date; but, for over two years they've been pretty good at answering my stupid questions and putting up with me when I was irritated for one reason or another.

I've never had a problem with the size of the terrain. I think it will be accurate regardless of the size of the terrain surface. I'm currently working on an animation that is using three 4WE's and a Trailer. The highway is nearly a mile of winding, hilly, pavement and it's working fine. I'm able to control everything.

It sounds like you're new to the plugins. Stay with it. You won't be disappointed. Good luck.

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