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by Patrik Martin
Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:38 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Use animated car in Unreal Engine 4
Replies: 25
Views: 2119784

Re: Use animated car in Unreal Engine 4

Hi, I am having similar problems where exporting animated mesh from maya to unreal doesn't work as expected. I have constrained my model to the craft rig, baked the keys and exported both fbx and abc. The body of the car moves correctly, but the wheels act as if their pivot point has been changed. ...
by Patrik Martin
Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:39 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Noob looking for suggestions.
Replies: 5
Views: 21877

Re: Noob looking for suggestions.

Any suggestions of the amount of auto vs myself controlling or is trying to set up a speed spline tool the best way or what? Any help is appreciated! I would use a combination. Use a spline to make the base guide and then use the controller to deviate from that path. This will also give you better ...
by Patrik Martin
Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:26 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: General Propeties vs input propeties
Replies: 1
Views: 10900

Re: General Propeties vs input propeties

Hi, What's the difference between General Propeties vs input propeties/ While general properties has gravel roughness and input has shake amplitude. It's kind of confusing? A lot of duplicated systems. Same for burn out and skid, etc. Would be nice to have these simplified or not scatter settings i...
by Patrik Martin
Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:48 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Spinning car on icy road
Replies: 4
Views: 25955

Re: Spinning car on icy road

HI, Thanks for help. Unfortunately nothing worked. Car just glides forward without spinning. Do you have any video tutorials by chance? Here is a testscene I made in 3ds max 2021. These are the steps I took to create this: Make the 4-Wheeler user a...
by Patrik Martin
Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:21 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Spinning car on icy road
Replies: 4
Views: 25955

Re: Spinning car on icy road

Maybe you could try a combination of skidding and External Force. Position the External Force arrow so that it is pointing towards the rear side of the vehicle and then when driving, hold down the skidding button and press the External force button. I haven't tried this myself, it's just of the top...
by Patrik Martin
Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:42 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Turn around at high speed in one place
Replies: 4
Views: 17495

Re: Turn around at high speed in one place

Hi dv2000, In order to quickly turn you need to modify the following parameters when configuring the 4-Wheeler Under Input parameters you have: Steering Wheel (Right/Left) Response Factor determines how quickly the 4-wheeler will go to maximum turn (turn acceleration). Steering Wheel (Right/Left) M...
by Patrik Martin
Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:40 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Speedometer
Replies: 4
Views: 15731

Re: Speedometer

it's still a pain to look at that little screen and trying to convert numbers to miles per hour and steer a car. Please add a big readable m/h and km/h display like madcar has. You have feet, inches etc but not basic miles per hour Also please add a cruise control that way we can use steering wheel...
by Patrik Martin
Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:54 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Speedometer
Replies: 4
Views: 15731

Re: Speedometer

Hi, Can we have a regular speedometer. I know there is a setting current velocity in meters per second. Can we have miles per hour or km per hour plus nice digital speedometer on the screen like madcar has. Thanks In the config of the 4-wheeler you have The...
by Patrik Martin
Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:20 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)
Replies: 14
Views: 463600

Re: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)

dv2000 wrote:
Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:05 am
Will there be a new update fixing this shakiness any time soon? Thanks
We hope so to be able to ship a fix for this within 2 weeks.
by Patrik Martin
Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:11 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: autonomous mode not working in maya 2018
Replies: 3
Views: 13161

Re: autonomous mode not working in maya 2018

Hello Patrik I am using Maya 2018 Windows 10 CDS v20.1.10 x64 I am not able to reproduce the problem. It works for me in exactly the same as above. What I do is: 1. Create a new scene 2. Open Craft Director Studio 3. Create a 4-wheeler extended 4. Move the TargetMesh away from the 4-Wheeler Extende...
by Patrik Martin
Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:30 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)
Replies: 14
Views: 463600

Re: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)

We can confirm that we have found a shaking issue with the Trailer tool. It seems to be worse the more detailed the terrain the trailer is attached to is.
We are looking in to this problem asap and solve.
by Patrik Martin
Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:17 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: autonomous mode not working in maya 2018
Replies: 3
Views: 13161

Re: autonomous mode not working in maya 2018

Which 3d program and version of it are using?
What version of CDS are you using?
by Patrik Martin
Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:32 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)
Replies: 14
Views: 463600

Re: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)

Hi Tut, Can you please send me a scene were you are facing this issue so I can have a look at it? Thanks Hey again, I have saved the scene to Max 2018 through 2021. I've simulated the truck and trailers to get the error to show (roughly 1000 frames). I've also exported the profiles for every asset ...
by Patrik Martin
Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Thrustmaster Driving wheel - turning is backwards
Replies: 2
Views: 11565

Re: Thrustmaster Driving wheel - turning is backwards


Go to the input settings. Click on the advanced for steering and change the multiplayer to -1 instead of 1.
by Patrik Martin
Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:30 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)
Replies: 14
Views: 463600

Re: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)

Hi Tut,

Can you please send me a scene were you are facing this issue so I can have a look at it?

by Patrik Martin
Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:21 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)
Replies: 14
Views: 463600

Re: Truck trailer odd behavior (shaking, jumping, etc)

It looks like I've been able to resolve the shakiness of the trailers when making very sharp turns, by fiddling with the stiffness value. A lower value (e.g 2000) caused it to start shaking a lot. The suspension jumping (where the rear extra-wheel's were jumping half of their height into the air at...
by Patrik Martin
Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:58 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Proper ground release settings
Replies: 1
Views: 10952

Re: Proper ground release settings

I agree that this is not functioning that well for bigger jumps. We did have a different jump function before the current and might be better suited. We will check to see if we can add this in again as an option.
by Patrik Martin
Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:56 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: 360 loop
Replies: 6
Views: 19519

Re: 360 loop

I think you guys should improve terrain support. We also use madcar 3 and it never has this problem. Also look at this plugin drivemaster at 1:45 he just adds multiple surfaces and car drives without any problems. Yes, it would be nice to have this ability, I agree. We wi...
by Patrik Martin
Tue May 19, 2020 8:53 am
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: 20.1.2 demo version did not respond in 3dsmax
Replies: 9
Views: 22152

Re: 20.1.2 demo version did not respond in 3dsmax

We have made an extra check and noticed that there is a strange behavior with the trial license. If you hit evaluate it actually start the trial and it is installed however you do not get any notification about this at all. So once you have clicked "Evaluate" just close the window and create a new ...
by Patrik Martin
Mon May 04, 2020 2:05 pm
Forum: Craft Director Studio - Help, Feedback and more
Topic: Animation Car to UE4
Replies: 1
Views: 11088

Re: Animation Car to UE4

Well it is a bit hard to respond to this as there can be so many things that is not going right.

If you follow the steps of the following topic viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1991.

What happens?